Tired tired tired
I realised that I cannot put in the same kind of effort into every single outing or I think I'd be dead by the end of it all. Anyway, guys at least try to keep this blog alive with a short post or something. Nice to see that among them Pek Har has made her debut entry already and don't just read - contribute to what there is to read, because if not, it wouldn't be different from writing in a personal blog. To our dearest dears Connie and Si Zhen who have joined us: Please write something! This'll be the final time I'm going to write about blogging because I realise that most of my entries consist of getting people to write. Which just makes me sound like a naggy f-ed up piece of shite. Oops.
It's 10 to midnight, and I'm going to have to wake up early to extend my passport for my trip to Brunei. It'll be from 5th to 16th of December and I've got to bring lots of stuff over. It's going to be kind of weird. In J1, I had the chance to visit Thailand, J2 Myanmar and this year, Brunei. It feels like I'm going all out to take trips to all the Asian countries! Don't get me wrong, it is very cool, but I won't mind visiting an European country in the near future!
This week has been a rather tiring yet happy week because I get to indulge in volleyball and there wasn't any tough training for me so for that, I'm grateful.
I also want to thank MB for the Photoshop masterpiece that created. Angeline was very touched when she saw it. It's responses like that that makes everything worth it. What has been contributed isn't taken for granted - I can assure you guys that. Haha.. Ming Boon, I loved that graphic too, except that it was taken using my lousy camera so the lighting is a bit rubbish and there's a humungous pile of NTUC plastic bags at the center of the photo. OH MAN! Haha, it's nice that after a year of graduation, we're still here talking about our class. At least some people still remember and some people appreciate the fact that we're still in contact with each other. Which is great.
Haha, like Wee Lee, I too have visited the World Cyber Games, although I think it's over already! It was a pretty cool atmoasphere and I loved the fact that they made the place... well... cool! The only match I enjoyed a lot was Warcraft! Fab stunts on that one!
Hmmm, Angeline is going for Kayaking tomorrow and the day after I think. Haha, hope she finishes it and maybe she'll give us a few free lessons one of these days! ;)
Oh, and how many of you have passed your Basic Theory Test? For driving of course! K, reply ASAP yar! *phew* Leavin' you guys with one sole photo this time, and it's of the guys! =P You people can feel free to post EVEN MORE PHOTOS or send them to me for some postage. And if you've copied the photo into your hardrive... say a word or two of thanks so that I know that this is the stuff you want to see!
Oh, I'm getting crappy already, till next time! And I've already thought of the next HOT TOPIC! :P

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