Topic of the Week
Topic of the Week: Your Most Memorable Mr Adrian Tan Moment!
Okay, I know sometimes it's hard to start the ball rolling and asking you guys to blog about yourselves. So I've decided we should rehash our favourite 03S10A moments! Haha... it is something to share.
My personal most memorable moment was when he was teaching us at the container block beside the old canteen. You guys remember that place yeah? Well, he was teaching halfway when this student entered the opposite class room with a plate of food. Mr Tan looked and went over and shouted at him fiercely. I think the whole class was pretty shocked because we've never seen him yell at anyone like that before! I didn't really see what happened but when he came back and saw our stunned faces, he was like, "What?" 1 second later, he broke into a smile and laughed out loud when he told us that he'd startled that student so much that he dropped his egg on the floor.
Oei... so you guys must be nice and each think of your most memorable Mr Tan moment k. Haha, he was the maths teacher who provided us with the most entertainment, although he sometimes does make some real nasty comments, he's really funny and enjoys teaching (in a strange way). Seem to remember that his favourite hobbies in class was poking everyone (verbally) that was within his reach!
To David: Yeah, just bear with it for now man. After all, that's just land phase and you'll be out of that pretty soon! Jiayou! What others think is not within your control and you just can't compare the way you think with theirs. So don't be bothered about it! It's nice that you're "more forgiving than the majority of the global populous"!
To TWJ: I'm going to Brunei on an exchange trip from th 5th to 15/16th of Dec so I can't make it. But I've already put it up in up-coming events, so all you other guys better REPLY to that! LOL.
To MB: Impressed with your entry of sights and sounds because the way of writing isn't your usual style. Haha, really put me into the feel of being in Uni. Jiayou in pretending to be hardworking! Erm, and also the actual 'being hardworking'. ^5
To Kherray: The food looks fantastic. Really. I'm thinking that the next time we have a gathering and all, we can pool money together and take a eat some of that food k. When we're looking for Layer Cake or Chocolate Covered Macadamia, we'll know who to find! ;)
To Sabrina: Very impressed with the maze model that you made. I can't believe that it didn't come out of a factory or something. A lot of details and everything... must have spent a lot of effort on it! *thumbs up*
Okay... that's it for now from me.

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